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November 12, 2007

Non il mio film

The movie is NOT about me. Io abbaio Italiano, non Spagnolo.


November 10, 2007

Missing Kitty

It's pretty clear to me where kitty went missing.


November 5, 2007

Fetch and Flies

I had a great weekend! The weather was beautiful - just perfect for rolling around in the grass and yawning and stretching out under the sun. And Dad seemed to agree.

Although he didn't join me in the rollin', yawnin' and stretchin', he did play fetch with me several times each day. He seemed to have found his inner dog. He wasn't in any hurry to go anywhere or do anything. It was a growlin' good time. Then today came.

The temperature dropped, and darkness was upon us before Dad got home, which means fetch is usually out the window. But fortunately the field we play in has some street lights lighting things up. They give Dad confidence that I'll find the ball when he throws it; otherwise he won't bother throwin' it at all.

So, we had an abbreviated fetch session tonight, which is better than no session, and Bella spent the whole time doing her best imitation of a cow - grazing on grass and swattin' her tail back and forth to keep the flies off her backside, even though there were no flies around.
