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October 31, 2007

HOWL-o-ween Horror

Gasp! I did it. I finally ate some asparagus. And the part I'm having the most difficulty with is that I did a trick for the treat. Scary!

I'm not sure why I took the stalk. I've turned the offer down hundreds of times before, even when I've been ravenous. And this morning, it wasn't just once. It was twice. I ate two stalks.

What am I becoming?


October 30, 2007

Crazy Dream

Check out the crazy dream Dad had.

He sure worries a lot. Doesn't he know I can take care of myself.


October 24, 2007

The Neighborhood

We've lived on Dogbar Court for two months now and have made the acquaintance of several neighbors.

Jack lives behind us. He's a chocolate lab doofus - very young and dumb if you ask me. "Duh! Which way do I go? Which way do I go?"

Macy lives directly across the street. She's a little toy poodle thing who thinks she owns the neighborhood, but me and Bella are helping her redefine that assumption - not that we need to be in charge, but little dogs with large attitudes can be so annoying. Actually, she's not so bad. She just has to temper her excitement a bit.

Four or five houses down from Macy is Cletus and his new brother Husker. They're basset hounds, and Uncle Cletus - that's what I like to call him - brays like a ship lost in the fog. And the bass he broadcasts with shakes my insides like popcorn. I hope young Husker, 12 weeks old, isn't like that when he grows up.

Husker arrived two days ago. I gave him a quick sniff, nothing too close because I wanted to get on with fetch, but he seemed alright. We'll see how he develops.


October 22, 2007


Snow! Snow! Snow! Winter is here even if the calendar doesn't think so. Six inches of snow fell yesterday, and me and Bella got to run and roll in it a few times throughout the day. It wasn't for as long as I would've liked, but Dad wasn't prepared for the cold. He never handles the first snap too well.

This morning's temperature was an invigorating 26 degrees - Ruff! - but by the time Dad got home from work it had climbed into the high 40s. If it's colder than that I notice a significant drop in fetch time, which happens to be a lot harder with snow on the ground. The ball gets swallowed with a Whumpf!, and I can't ever find it. I try, but Dad gives up too soon. I'd get more time if he wore a coat.


October 18, 2007


She eats asparagus in addition to barkccoli. That's disgusting, in an asparagusting way! Now her pee is gonna smell, and who does that affect? Me.

Why we continue to sniff each other after almost six years of living together, I don't know, but we do. Good grief!


October 13, 2007

Coming Home

There's nothing better than the greeting Dad gives us when he comes home after a trip. Jumping up and down and twisting in circles while telling Bella to "Gitcher bone! Gitcher bone!" It's something uniquely and weirdly Dad, and I love him so much for it. I can tell he missed us a lot the past few days in Chicago.


October 9, 2007


After five years Dad and I finally had a game of chase. It felt great to share that. I'm not sure why we never did it before, other than it seemed kind of pointless. He's never going to catch me, unless I let him, but he seemed very excited that I was interested in playing tonight. I think I may indulge him again.

He was laughing and barking at me with his "I'm happy, I love you Bella and I'm having a good time voice," which was very cute, until I let him catch me. We didn't know what to do at that point. The whole wrestling thing felt awkward, so we just hugged for a little bit, which is always nice.


October 6, 2007

He's on the Computer

Dad said that me and Orsa can't have DogSpace accounts, that we're too young. What's he talking about? We'll be six in January! That's too young?

I think it's because he doesn't want to share the computer. He acts super alpha with it, like it's a bone or something. When we want to play, he's on the computer. When we want to go for a walk, he's on the computer. Bathroom time? Computer again. And of course, when we want to use the computer, he's on the computer.
