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June 19, 2007


Hello. This is Bella and Orsa's Dad. The girls are on vacation until July 1, and they're probably hanging pool side right now. I expect they'll update you on all their goings-on shortly after they return. They told me to tell you that they'd love to update dogLOG while on vacation, but then that wouldn't be a vacation.

Oh yeah. They also said that Winky didn't show up during this morning's hunt. So much for the brazen rabbit.

June 18, 2007

The Audacity of Hop

This morning, during our daily rabbit hunt, Bella took a break to munch on some grass, which in my opinion she does too much of. I think she's a chlorophyll addict because there is no reason to waste prime rabbit hunting time, pretending to be a rabbit.

While Bella has her head buried in the roughage, a rabbit saunters out from the tall grass five yards away and stops. He looks left. He looks right. And a second passes. Bella looks up, and the rabbit winks at her.

She said he actually winked before taking off. Of course, the audacity before the hop is vintage Bugs Bunny, so I asked if Winky also said, "Wassup dog?" I got a growl in return, which became a nip when I called her Elmer Fudd.


June 17, 2007

Throw a Dog a Bone

What's a girl gotta do to get some love these days? Guests in the house. Eating on the couch. Not a single crumb shared on the sly. I mean, come on, I'm begging here. Throw a dog a bone, why doncha?

Tricks? You want tricks? Whaddya want to see? Sit? Rollover? Just give me something, THEN I'll let you pet me. You scratch my back, and I'll let you scratch my back even more. Behind the ear is good too. Woof!


June 15, 2007

Fresh Hare

"At last, the long arm of the law is weaching out and closing in on you, you scwewy wabbit." - Elmer Fudd

Father's Dog is June 17

Dad is taking a nap, like any good Papa dog should do several times a day, especially when said papa is an unemployed dog.

Now that he's asleep, we can do some Father's Dog shopping. I wish he bought a laptop with a doggernomic keyboard. This thing gets my dogs barkin'.

Bella! Come here! I think we should get him this. Waddya think? Think he'll let us play with it?


June 13, 2007


Yesterday was a relaxing, pajama-wearing, listen to rain falling type of day, but Orsa and I didn't get to chill at home. We spent the day getting trucked around town with Dad, in case someone wanted to take a look at our house. Dad said buyers don't enjoy being greeted with barking and butt sniffing, which is something I don't understand, but when I told him I don't like being cooped up in the truck all day and that he should consider what I want more important than what some stranger wants, he just gave me a hug. He's so frustrating sometimes.


June 10, 2007

Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut

Sure enough. My dollop had a crunchy core. And if that was a peanut he was a lonely old nut. Big too!


P.S. It's mao - like the Chinese communist leader - and it means to eat vigorously; to devour food with exuberance; to bury one's face in a meal and hoover with gusto

June 9, 2007


I think Dad has been slippin' a medical mickey into my meal each morning . . . and evening too. I've been getting a dollop of peanut butter in my kibble and Orsa isn't getting anything, which is strange. And after he gives us the green light to mao our chow he plunks down and watches. Now I appreciate that he wants the family to share our meals together, but this is not normal. How's a chow to mao with a pair of eyes on her? It's that peanut butter I'm telling you. There's something about it. At my next meal, I'll just pretend to eat it and then take it back to my kennel to see what the dilly-o is.


June 6, 2007

Giddy Up Gobble

I read my sister's post from yesterday and want to set the record straight. She tries to give the impression that she has people sensibilities, but when it gets right down to it, she's definitely a dog. Once Dad wasn't looking, she giddy up gobbled the tasty in her kennel. How about them kibble apples?


ColoDOGo Springs

Dad took us for a walk today, which immediately told me something was up. He usually takes us to fields and parks and lets us race around while he strolls. But today was serious business. Leashes and collars and everything. Sure enough, he had big news. He got a new job, and we're moving to ColoDOGo Springs. And soon! He starts his new job on July 16.

The last time we moved wasn't so fun for me. Everything got disrupted for a while. Dad said I acted really sad and he promised not to move us ever again. I think he was relieved when I woofed it was okay.

Honestly, I don't really want to move, but there'll be a bunch of new 14ers to climb this summer, and Dad super promised that there will be rabbits to chase too. Unfortunately, ColoDOGo Springs is at a higher elevation than DOGver, and I expect to feel the effect on the first few chases.


June 5, 2007

Growlin' Good Looks

I'm not a fan of going to the groomer, but with the type of results I get I can't growl too much. Besides, I have my public to consider. Monsieur Christopher has outdone himself again. Grrroovy!



My sister can be such a female dog sometimes. What'd she have to puke in my kennel for? She's says she's sick, but she sure doesn't act like it. Appetite was normal this morning, at least until she smelled the meds Dad put in her food for the pee pee problem. Then she gets all doe-eyed and sad. Phaw! She's her same old bone chewin' self. There was no reason to share her stomach contents with my blanket at 3:00 in the morning. We had eaten over seven hours before. She hadn't exercised and then gulped down a bowl of water, which tends to get her insides on the outside. We'd been asleep for two hours by that time. I just don't get her sometimes.


June 3, 2007

Love and Memories

Dad went to a wedding yesterday and came home talking about love and memories. He started poking through our puppy pictures and said these two would have to be part of some sideshow . . . I mean slideshow, when Bella and I get married. I BARKED that I don't intend to marry my sister, and I woofed that Bella and I aren't even sniffing anyone right now so he shouldn't be planning any weddings. But I did agree that the pictures he chose are quite cute.


Wait and See

No definitive answers came from my medical team, other than I don't have a urinary tract infection. They suggested I take 100 mg of Phenylpropanolamine each day for a month and "see how that works out." I'm not so sure I want to pump my body full of something that may cause excitability and restlessness and which may adversely affect my liver and blood pressure. I spoke with Dad about this, and he agreed that we could monitor the situation and see how serious my condition actually is before doping up, especially since nothing has happened since Wednesday.
