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October 6, 2007

He's on the Computer

Dad said that me and Orsa can't have DogSpace accounts, that we're too young. What's he talking about? We'll be six in January! That's too young?

I think it's because he doesn't want to share the computer. He acts super alpha with it, like it's a bone or something. When we want to play, he's on the computer. When we want to go for a walk, he's on the computer. Bathroom time? Computer again. And of course, when we want to use the computer, he's on the computer.



Lizzy said...

Ha, I know you you 2 feel. I barely have the time to blog 'cause all my humans are using the computers! If they can spend so much time on them, why can't we?

That's too bad you're not old enough for DogSpace. Maybe in a few years!
