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August 27, 2007

Gimme Some Attention

I'm sooo glad we're out of that hotel. And I'll be more glad when we're unpacked and settled in. I want my Dad back. He's been very preoccupied and dutiful lately, and dutiful isn't fun.

Last night, we went for a walk in the new neighborhood. It smelled nice. We saw some rabbits on the walk, but we didn't find any places where we could run. Dad kept us on the leash the whole time. That chafed.

Today, we hopped in the truck to see if there was a place to run nearby. We drove and drove and drove some more. Dad didn't know where he was going and was just making random turns. It worked out though. He found us a nice stream, and I got to fetch the ball.

And just so you know that I'm a dog too, and I have feelings, one time when I brought the ball back, I dropped it in the water, rather than on the sand. Dad encouraged me to bring it to him, but I pretended not to know what he was talking about. He then scrambled after it, slipped on a wet rock and dunked his foot.

I'm not proud. I just want some more attention.
